LeadPerfection Highlights

Mileage Estimator

LeadPerfection will calculate the drive time and actual mileage between appointments. This will allow your appointment setters to set BETTER appointments where you already have a rep in the area.


LeadPerfection comes loaded with over 150 standard reports. And, you can customize and create new reports.

Direct Email import

You can point LeadPerfection to any POP3 mailbox and have it import lead data directly! Within seconds, the lead is on an agent's screen waiting to be dialed.
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Track your Canvassers Real-Time

Your canvass manager can open a map and watch pushpins pop up each time a canvasser in the field submits a record. You'll not only know where each canvasser is, but you'll never have to wonder whether they were working at a constant pace for the entire shift.

Generate More Leads

Up until now, your canvassers would spend all day walking the streets, speaking only to a small number of homeowners who were home and had a few minutes to learn about your products. But what about all those other homes that they walked by that were in obvious need of your products and services? With just a few clicks on their phone, they can enter basic address information and check off items from your list of potential "product needs". We'll even help you obtain the names and phone numbers of those homes so you can call those who are not on the Federal DNC list.

Create the Ultimate Mailing Lists

Direct Mail is a difficult lead source in a down economy because the response rates are not high enough to cover the mailing expense while leaving some room for profit. But now you can stack the deck in your favor. A by-product of your canvassing effort will be the Ultimate Mailing List. Namely, a list of homeowners in your coverage area who really need your services. These are the most likely to buy from you. You won't be wasting a ton of money trying mailing a post card for a replacement window sale to somebody who just put new windows in their home last year. The end result? You'll need to send out 1/10th as many mailers to get the same number of responses that you would have gotten previously.

Complete Management

Canvassing will no longer be a Black Hole. You'll have more information coming in than you ever thought possible. You'll be able to better understand you customers and better manage your canvassers.

Seamless Integration into LeadPefection

If you are already a user of LeadPerfection, then you'll love this. With a single click, you can convert all of your canvass records into Leads or Cold Call records. Either way, it's a seamless transition into our dialing queues, closing the loop on the entire process.
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Why Choose LeadPerfection?


LP has been around longer

LeadPerfection was created in 2004, and we've been improving it significantly every year since. That's MANY years more than any of our serious competitors can claim.

We Set the Bar

Compare LeadPerfection, feature by feature, to any other product made for this industry and you'll quickly see how much more LeadPerfection has to offer.

We are a True Software Company

Would you have a new roof installed by a computer geek? We are not a home remodeling company trying to sell you their software. We are software developers who have years of experience working with many industries, and we've brought cutting edge technology to Remodelers.

It keeps getting better

We update LeadPerfection with new enhancements all the time. That's another reason why you should want to purchase software from a software company, not someone else's remodeling company.

Our Price

You may be surprised to find out that our price is FAR less than our competition. How could that be? Because we have a mature, tested product that costs us less to maintain. We pass those savings onto our customers!

We write our own software

The original design and development team for LeadPerfection and CanvassMaster are in the same building as our customer support staff. If you call with a problem that customer service can't immediately answer, they can walk down the hall and speak to the developers who built that module.

What Our Clients Say About Us


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